Charitable Giving

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Charitable Giving

At Mahons Lawyers, we all love participating in various charity and fundraising activities and feel very proud of our achievements so far this year.

Our firm consists of many loving hearts, and we were recently able to raise $800 in donations to the Cancer Council through Australia's Biggest Morning Tea.

We have also proudly supported the Assist A Student  program by the St. Vincent de Paul Society, as well as the Tour de Transplant and Living Fundraisers.

Such achievements are only possible because our firm's leader, Anthony, has created  an excellent work & social culture within the firm.

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St Francis of Assisi Family Fair 2015

On Sunday the 22nd of March 2015, our Mill Park office team proudly sponsored the rides and games of the 2015 Family Fair, organised by the St. Francis of Assisi Parish.

Many children had great fun and particularly enjoyed the Ferris Wheel ride that was sponsored by the Mahons Lawyers team. It is always a great joy to see children having lots of fun and we are proud to support such great community events.

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Ferris Wheels - Mahons Lawyers Sponsor

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Celebrating 50 Years In Legal Practice


Celebrating 50 Years In Legal Practice


Congratulations to our one of our senior solicitors, Max,  who celebrated the 50th anniversary of his admission as a lawyer last week - and he is still fit & proper for many more years to come!

Max, we are all incredibly proud of you! We may see Max's name in this section of the LIV awards for 2015 - "50 Years In Legal Practice!…/Past-Awa…/50-Years-in-Legal-Practice

Max, Anni & Alice

Max, Anni & Alice

Deb, Max & Eliza

Deb, Max & Eliza